Jul 03, 2020Where are you from and have your surroundings shaped you in a creative sense, and in what way(s)?
I am from Bridgeport Connecticut, and coming from the inner city has shown me alot about life here. When I write music alot of it is inspired by my life experiences.
Question 2: How did you get started?
I started out DJ'ing whch led to making beats. Then I interned At Def jam in the A&R Department & also in the the video production department at Def Jam. That allowed me to see the inside workings of the music business and the artistry and I just knew that's what I wanted to do with my life.
Question 3: Where does your influence come from?
The musical geniuses that paved the way in Hip Hop.
Do you have anyone that you consider your mentor?
I am blessed because I have met 3 people that guide me in my journey
Big Heff from Def Jam, Debbie Egel, who is an entertainment attorney & Momma M.A.R
How has their help or advice shaped you?
Big Heff has helped me with my music;
Debbie has helped me and taught me about the business of music; and
Momma M.A.R keeps me grounded and humble.
Describe a real-life situation that inspired you?
I was inspired when I performed at a "sold out" show at "Toads Place" in New Haven Connecticut. When I hit the stage the crowd reaction was over the top. That night, those fans made me realize that I was on the right path and made me want this more and convinced me to go even harder to pursue my dream and make it a reality.
How does your creative process work?
I #Lightuppp the friendly flower, get in my zone, and let the music talk to me, then I create!!!
What is one experience in life that, without it, you wouldn’t be the artist you are today?
As a kid I was Dj'ing. Started by carrying crates, I learned all about MUSIC, saw many of the aspects of music. Dj'ing planted the seed, without those experiences I wouldn't have gotten the "bug" and this is where it began and letd me to pursue my Artistry.
Who are your top 3 favorite Rappers of all time?
Jay-Z, Fabolous, and Nas.
What is the story behind your latest song "I'm The Winner"?
The message in the song is about Motivatation. I believe people can reach deep within and achieve their goals. To win you must Never Give Up On Your Dreams, work hard in a determined and focused manner and you maybe surprised at how far you can go. Take a listen @Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4s6LxiKHJOgo9guxNQnDIn?si=bNDcu59NSYqV3PxhY15aAw
If you could take anyone in the world dead or alive on a date, who would it be?
Bernice Burgos
Tell me about the first song you ever made. Was it a success or a failure in your opinion?
The 1st song I ever created was in 6th, grade Mrs Smith's class, and I performed the song for the entire Classroom. It was a success, everyone in the class LOVED IT and WENT CRAZY. I also got an A for the project.
What memorable responses have you had to one of your songs that stood out?
I have a single titled "Martin Luther Blvd". I alos shot a video for this song and while touring went to all the streets with that same name and shot video clips performing the song. You know there are 995 Martin Luther Blvds across the nation and they are always in the hood. This song drew alot of great responses from Fans and music industry professionals. I actually shot part of the video "Martin Luther Blvd" in Bridgeport CT where I am from. It was Epic!
What haven’t you attempted yet that you hope to?
I believe the sky is the limit and I continue to write, be creative, record and I hope that someday I will be recognized along with the great hip hop artists that are write and perform.
What is the story behind your song I'm The Winner?
The message in the song is about Motivatation. I believe people can reach deep within and achieve their goals. To win you must Never Give Up On Your Dreams, work hard in a determined and focused manner and you maybe surprised at how far you can go.
What do you hope to accomplish this year?
The ability to get my music into the hands of fans across the globe and motivate them to succeed and follow me...LOL
What do you want your supporters to know about you?
I like to believe I am humble, definitely dedicated And I love music.
How can people find you?
Follow Me at:
Instagram @marlightuppp
Website www.marlightuppp.com
Twitter @marlightuppp
Spotify M.A.R